Who are Naturopathic Doctors and what qualifies them?

Naturopathic Doctors

natural-healingLicensed naturopathic doctors undergo 4 years of rigorous graduate level training at accredited naturopathic medical schools, including extensive clinical work, which equips them to serve as the perfect bridge between conventional and alternative medicine. The training includes the ordering, interpretation and use of labs and imaging, well woman exams and yearly physicals. NDs also learn botanical medicine, physical medicine (both bone manipulation and soft tissue work), nutrition, IV therapy, homeopathic medicine, hydrotherapy, psychology, minor surgery, and basic pharmaceutical medicine. Many seek additional training in other alternative modalities. Scope of practice varies from state to state.

***Please note that in the state of Colorado, the scope of practice for registered Naturopathic Doctors does NOT include minor surgery, IV therapy, and pharmaceutical medicine. These are not a part of Dr. Enos’ practice nor are well-woman exams.

While understanding and addressing a conventional diagnosis is important, an ND goes a step further to discover the underlying patterns and root causes behind symptoms. The training that NDs receive helps them to look at such things as constitutional type and organ system analysis. This helps them to individualize treatment plans and actually address the root cause.

Although there are six tenets of naturopathic medicine guiding all NDs, they are an eclectic group with equally unique practice styles and philosophies.  It is important to choose a doctor whose approach resonates with you.

The tenets of naturopathic medicine are:

The healing power of nature–vis medicatrix naturae

This first tenets honors your body’s wisdom and ability to heal itself. The practitioner’s role is to augment this power with proper guidance, advice and care.

Identify and treat the cause–tolle causam

When symptoms become noticeable, the body has been out of balance for some time.  It is important to understand how the body originally became out of balance.  The answer is not always straightforward or simple.  Continually asking “Why?” is of utmost importance.

First do no harm– primum no nocere

This is a tenet common to all healers.  Many systems of medicine choose to focus on symptoms or quick fixes and indeed this is what we have come to expect.  It is important to realize that this actually can cause harm and should be avoided.  All therapies should be focused on creating long term, sustainable wellness.

Treat the whole person–in perturbato animo sicut in corpore sanitas esse non potest

Optimal health is about more than the physical body.  Our mental, emotional and spiritual well-being are integral.  In addition, we recognize that all systems are connected and should be treated as such when diagnosing and treating patients.

The doctor as teacher– docere

Health is not about what you take, it is about what you do.  Naturopathic appointments include time for teaching patients to understand their current state of health and how they may have gotten there as well as how to create a lifestyle and habits that are conducive to optimal health.  We teach, guide, coach and empower our patients through their journey to wellness.

Prevention– principiis obsta: sero medicina curatur

Preventive medicine is the best medicine.  Because of our unique focus on creating health rather than simply combating an already present disease.  We optimize physiology so that pathology cannot exist.  Naturopathic medicine is truly preventive medicine.

For more on the unique philosophy and approach of Healing Roots Naturopathic Clinic, please visit Dr. Enos’ BioModalities and FAQs.

For more information about Naturopathic Medicine, please visit AANMC.

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