Category Archives: Natural Medicine

Natural medicine practice in Merced, CA and Portland, OR Dr Erika Enos, N.D.

Leaky Gut: The 9 Causes

As mentioned in the previous Leaky Gut: The Basics post, leaky gut is when intestinal permeability occurs for prolonged periods of time and is accompanied by inflammation. Leaky gut can cause havoc not only in the digestive tract but can contribute to poor systemic health. Intestinal permeability happens when the gut cells no longer fit tightly … Continue reading

Posted in Aspirin alternatives, Autoimmune, immune, Infection, Leaky Gut, Natural Medicine, Nutrition | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Leaky Gut: The Basics

There is one piece of gut trivia I share with patients that consistently causes their jaws to drop: everything inside of your gut is actually outside of your body. Take a few seconds to let that sink in. It’s weird, right? Your digestive tract (a.k.a. the gut, gastrointestinal tract, GI, etc.) is actually one long … Continue reading

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Spring Detox: Dandelion Greens & Roots

As I wrap up this 2-week Spring Detox Series, I’d be remiss if I didn’t talk about this detox option. During the springtime, there’s a plant growing in almost every lawn across the US that is the nemesis to many homeowners and gardeners alike. The bright yellow flower and fluffy seed puffball of the dandelion … Continue reading

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Spring Detox: Lemon Juice

Throughout this Spring Detox series I’ve offered quite a few detox tips… admittedly some are easier to incorporate into your life than others. Today’s tip is incredibly simple- drink lemon juice added to water first thing in the morning! Using Lemon Juice The effects that may come about from drinking the juice from ½ of … Continue reading

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Spring Detox: Chlorella

Remember that crazy statistic I shared last week about umbilical cords of newborn babies containing more than 200 toxins (1)? Without a doubt, every mother-to-be would like to reduce this number. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), dioxins are highly toxic compounds and part of a larger group of chemicals called persistent organic pollutants … Continue reading

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Spring Detox: Epsom Salt Baths

Late on a Sunday afternoon a few months ago, I found myself dragging. It had been a long, busy work week and a weekend that felt just as long with house cleaning and repairs. I felt sluggish and not at all prepared to start a new week. My solution? A soak in an Epsom salt … Continue reading

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Spring Detox: The Power of Parsley & Cilantro

Parsley and cilantro are often listed as natural ways to chelate heavy metals and to detoxify.  Although there are case studies that support the use of these culinary herbs to chelate metals, clinical trials do not back this up. However, there are still plenty of reasons to frequently include both parsley and cilantro in your … Continue reading

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Spring Detox: Traditional & Infrared Sauna

Let’s talk about detoxing the body using the skin. Contrary to popular belief, the skin is not our largest organ… it’s the intestines! But using the skin to rid the body of toxins is still important and  effective. In order to do this, you have to sweat and using a sauna can help you do … Continue reading

Posted in Autoimmune, Detox, immune, Natural Medicine, Pain relief | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Spring Detox: Veggies for Your Liver

Loving your liver can’t be over-emphasized. It is a major site of detoxification in your body, and, if you read the first post in this Spring Detox Series (Does Everyone Really Need to Detox?), you know our world gives the liver quite a workout. One easy way to love and support your liver is to … Continue reading

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Spring Detox: Water

We’ve all heard that our bodies are made up primarily of water. It’s a crazy, but true fact: about 60% of your body is composed entirely of water molecules! You probably know that water is important in maintaining good kidney function and beautiful skin. It is needed to carry waste out of the body in … Continue reading

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